Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden killed yesterday

I found out last night while I was at the Fox Theater in Oakland watching Explosions in the Sky. For some reason it seems important to remember who I was with and what I was doing when this thing happened. But, in all actuality this will probably blow by with the rest of history, with only vague memories of its real relevance. It is strange how Hitler's murder occurred on the same day so many decades prior to Osama's, however.
What I do know is frustrating is how I keep seeing that Martin Luther King quote reblogged on tumblr.

After seeing this same thing posted so many times, it's like damn, stop junkin up my dashboaarrdd.
I do, however agree with the quote. I think people are merely rejoicing because they have made Osama the target of all of their hatred and frustration over everything that occurred on 9/11. I don't know if people actually feel happy about something like that, but I think they got some false comfort in knowing this man is dead. I'm rather impartial to the whole thing-I do find it pretty insane that they finally found him after all this time, and proud that something was actually done, but it doesn't make me want to rejoice because someone so hated is now dead. Eh.

Maybe I am just too impartial about everything.

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